Soil Composition Explorer

SOIL EXPLORER is a free educational tool.
Created to help understand the extent that
affect the depth of soil moisture achieved.

Not your first time using the Soil Explorer?
CLICK HERE Jump to Data Input Section (3)

Select a section within the "Soil Triangle" below;
read the Sand % for that spot
then the horizontal line that equals Clay %.

Enter percentages into yellow data boxes.
NEXT; Using the drop-down box
select the # of emitters (in a 10 ft sq. area)
This determines the irrigation flow rate.
OR - the "Tell Me", hit calculate & read recommended #

Software Background Information and more
detailed instructions are available; HERE

section 1

Input the following 2 rows of data
Enter % of SAND:      
Enter % of CLAY:       
Explorer will calculate % of Silt

Irrigation Flow Rate per Sq Ft.
Select # of Emitters (10 sq ft area)

EXAMPLE will show how to make selection.

section 2

Click here to run Soil Explorer Analysis

Reset input data to start over

Not familiar with reading results?
Results Instructions Audio
Continue listening
while reviewing Soil Explorer results section
section 3

Percent of Silt is:        
Percent of Clay is:       
Percent of Sand is:      

Soil Composition Type

section 4
Moisture movement rate at Soil Saturation

section 5

Total water applied at selected RATE (over time)

Applied water until Saturation level reached (over time)

Required water to achieve moisture Depth (over time)

Possible Depth of Soil Moisture since START

section 6

Total water applied at selected RATE (over time)

Applied water until Saturation level reached (over time)

Required water to achieve moisture Depth (over time)

Possible Depth of Soil Moisture since START

section 7

Total water applied at selected RATE (over time)

Applied water until Saturation level reached (over time)

Required water to achieve moisture Depth (over time)

Possible Depth of Soil Moisture since START
section 8

Re-run with modified flow rate
and Soil Composition Types
to see effect on moisture depth.
CLICK HERE Return to Data Input Section (3)

Send a question, critique or comment
on this calculator - Thanks!